we protect and respect your privacy. We have implemented procedures to
assure and protect your private information. We will not share your information
with any other parties at ANY TIME. When you order, we use only the necessary
information to process and deliver your order. How we use the information you
provide to CCAP:
o To fill your order.
o To provide you with
information about your order as it is processed.
o We will use your phone number
to contact you only in the event you cannot be contacted by mail or e-mail.
o If you have any questions not
addressed on this web site please use the contact us tab.
o There is no copyright policy
on our contract photography. All photographs are marked copy permitted
therefore allowing you to copy and disseminate as you desire. Many photography
companies charge extra for copyright release. It is the position of CCAP that
once services have been rendered and fully paid, the purchaser should have free
reign to do as you please.